Create a better backstory

GNT #011: Create a Better Backstory

backstory purpose-driven growth writing Mar 30, 2023

Read time: 3 minutes

Have you ever been asked, "What's your story?" or "Why do you do what you do?"

Did you find yourself struggling to articulate a consistent, clear, and compelling answer?

Me too.

In 2018 I found myself floundering with a response to this question.

(Lots of ums, run on sentences about marketing, and a different answer every time.)

Now I've got my backstory buttoned up (you'll read more about that later).

The truth is, everyone needs a good backstory.

Whether you're an employee, consultant, or founder, having a clear and compelling story can make all the difference in how others perceive and engage with you.

In this article, I'll explore why your backstory matters, and cover a few simple steps for crafting a more powerful and authentic narrative.

The next time you're asked "What's your story" - you'll know exactly what to say.

Why your backstory matters

Your backstory is more than just a summary of your career path or educational background.

It's the foundation of your personal brand, and the key to building trust and connection with someone you're meeting for the first time or your business audience in general.

Why your backstory matters:

  • It helps people understand your motivation: What drives you and what you're passionate about. This can help build trust and make it easier to work together effectively.
  • It makes you more relatable: When you open up about your struggles and challenges along the way, it makes you more human in the eyes of others.
  • It sets you apart: Your backstory is unique to you. It can help differentiate you in a crowded industry and showcase your unique perspective and experiences.

Build your backstory

  1. Start with a Brain Dump: Set aside some time to brainstorm (I'm serious, put the time on your calendar now). Write any memories or moments that come to mind. Anything that stands out to you, even if it seems unrelated or insignificant at first.
  2. Organize your Memories: Once you have a list of memories, start organizing them into categories. Look for patterns or themes that emerge. You might find that certain memories relate to your career, while others are more personal. Group your memories accordingly.
  3. Identify Key Moments: Within each category, identify the key moments that have had the most impact on you. These might include significant achievements, challenges you've overcome, or pivotal moments that changed the trajectory of your life.
  4. Find the Common Thread: Look for themes or patterns that emerge from your key moments. These might include a desire to help others, a passion for innovation, or something else. Identify the common thread that ties your experiences together, and use this as the basis for your narrative.
  5. Craft Your Narrative: Use your key moments and common thread to write your narrative. Start with a brief introduction that sets the stage for your story. Then, share your key moments in chronological order, highlighting the impact each one had on you. End with a conclusion that ties everything together and reinforces your common thread.
  6. Edit and Refine: Once you have a draft of your narrative, edit it. Make it concise and clear, but keep the detail that makes it unique. Cut out anything that feels distracting.
  7. Practice Your Delivery: Yep, actually talk it out. Practice in front of a mirror, test it with a trusted friend, or even record yourself. The more you practice, the more natural and authentic your delivery will become.

Your backstory should be true to who you are, not an attempt to fit into a certain mold or impress others.

Be honest and vulnerable, and share your successes and failures with equal transparency.

This is my backstory.

I revisit it every once in awhile. Sometimes I expand on it in conversations.

But it feels great to have a story I'm confident, consistent, and intentional in communicating.

The takeaway

Crafting a compelling backstory does take time, but the payoff is big.

Sharing your unique journey can help build trust and connection, differentiate you in a crowded market, and help others remember YOU.

If you haven't already, block time on your calendar now to create a better backstory.

(You can include a link to this article in your calendar, so you know just what to do.)

You might be surprised at the impact it has on your career and business.

I hope this article was helpful.

See you again next week!


Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

1. Coaching for consultants. Want to grow, but need guidance on how to build your consulting growth engine the right way? Contact me now

2. Consulting for startups and small businesses in Tech. Let's build and execute revenue-focused marketing that grows your business, community, and brand. Contact me now

3. Follow me on LinkedIn for daily tips on audience and revenue growth. Follow me


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